Sunday, January 22, 2017

Exercise Can Reduce Inflammation

Let's go for a 20 minute walk
I've written before that just running 5-10 minutes daily at really slow speeds is enough to reduce your risk of dying from all causes and cardiovascular disease.

You will be very happy to know that just one bout of moderate exercise can act like an anti-inflammatory. This findings by researchers have encouraging implications for obesity and chronic "inflammatory diseases" like arthritis, fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases.

The study found that one 20- minute session of moderate treadmill exercise  can stimulate the immune system, producing an anti-inflammatory cellular response.

The researchers had 47 subjects walking on a treadmill at an intensity level that was adjusted based on their fitness levels. Blood was collected before and immediately after the session showed changes in inflammatory protein TNF, which produced an anti inflammatory cellular response throughout the body. (TNF is a key regulator of local and systemic inflammation that also boosts immune responses).

We all have inflammation occurring normally in our bodies as part of the body's immune response. It is how our bodies heal itself after an injury, defend itself against viruses and bacteria and also repairing damaged tissue. When the inflammation is chronic, it can lead to serious health issues.

Exercise is often taboo to patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis or fibromyalgia as they think it going to make their condition worse. But this study may contribute to developing new strategies for using exercise to treat patients who suffer from chronic inflammation.

I know what some of you must be thinking after reading this. Hmmm, after my hard training, I can probably do a short 20 minute workout to reduce inflammation and recover.

Well, if you ran hard for the past 3 days etc, then you need a real day off (yes that means no swimming, no cycling etc). You need to rest.


Dimitrov S, Hulteng E and Hong S (2016). Inflammation And Exercise: Inhibition Of Monocytic Intracellular TNF Production By Acute Exercise Via β2-adrenergic activation. Brain, Behaviour and Immunity.

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